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Olympic champion Heike Henkel reports on her diagnosis of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone loss occurs. Since bone loss does not cause any symptoms at the beginning, the disease is often only detected at an advanced stage. However, with the OsteoTest it can be detected early - when the chances of successful therapy are still high.
"Osteoporosis? Everyone immediately thinks of old people," says Heike Henkel (57), "But the disease, in which the bones break down, unfortunately also affects many people much earlier. She herself has just tried the OsteoTest | home. With a surprising result for the former competitive athlete in the high jump, who became European champion in 1990, world champion the following year and won Olympic gold in Barcelona in 1992.
"My value was in the endangered red range. I didn't think so, because I eat healthy. I eat healthy, I take care of my body."
She immediately discussed the findings with her family doctor, because with the right therapy, the onset of bone loss can be with the right therapy.
The test kit is a small green and white cardboard box that contains a cup for the urine sample. cup for the urine sample and a draw-up syringe. It's very simple. "It's totally simple. Then you fill out a questionnaire and questionnaire and send everything to Kiel."“
Here, the sample arrives at a Geomar laboratory in a mass spectrometer, which uses the so-called calcium isotope ratios can detect the smallest changes in the bone structure.